Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nutty Professor 3??? Fact or Fiction?

Yo what it is folks I thought I'd post just because, well because I feel like and this is my blog chump... I'd say this is fact thanx to the good folks at latino review and the trades. They're saying that it is a third installment of the Nutty Professor franchise on it's way to the big screen. Thats crazy but I hope to almighty GOD this movie is nothing like that Norbit trash lol. Another crazy thing is that they said Eddie Murphy isn't attached for the film which is just down-right-dumb-ass-ness! They said it's up to the new writer and director to determine if he will return. Whats up with these Hollywood idiots there is no Nutty Professor franchise without Eddie he is the franchise. I mean if they can give Johnny Depp 50 million some dollars to come back as Jack Sparrow they sure can break Eddie off. I guess it's still in it's early stages Eddie probably will sign on sometime in 09 so let me calm down. Stayed I will keep you posted...

Saint Speaks The Truth

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Brand New Watchmen Trailer!

Yo dun son I just saw the Watchmen movie trailer at the 12:00am showing of Quantum of Solace. That joint got me in nerd mode right now the trailer was crazy everything looks so faithful to the source material. I can't wait til March 6th I just might be the 1st in line to see it. I aint been this hype about a movie since The Dark Knight. But anyway check out the trailer for yourself and check out Watchmen on 03 06 09... Aight dun son I'm tired Ima holla at cha!

Who Watches The Saint!?!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

My President Is Black!

I just thought I would speak my thoughts on the subject ya dig me? In all aspects of life rather it be politics, hip hop, religion it always has to be some one to come and redirect the focus. I guess kinda like Jesus Christ came to reinforce the gospel, not trying to compare anybody to Christ but you know what I mean. Kinda like hip hop is looking for a savior to bring the focus back to lyrics and I will come when the time is right lol...But the point I'm trying to make is that Barack is going to bring respect and integrity back to white house and politics for that matter. Everybody and they is political now. But heres a good example: If George Bush interupted ya favorite show you more than likely will turn him off but if Barack Obama came on you would probably would push the record button on ya DVR lol. That's what I'm sayin if Obama asked you to do something for your country you'd just be glad he asked and you'd do it but if Bush asked, shit you probably would cuss em out. Shit if Bill Clinton ask you probably wouldn't do it wit cha lazy ass lol. He's just gonna bring back respect and leadership to Washington D.C. that we really haven't seen since JFK ya dig me? In every aspect of life we need someone to come redirect the focus to where it belongs in an artform.

Spoken like a true Saint!