Sunday, January 18, 2009

Watchmen Kaos

So I guessin you have heard about all the drama surrounding the upcoming film adaptation of the DC Comic Watchmen. If you didnt know this is one of the biggest graphic novels of all time that Fox claim to have own the rights since the 80's but Warner which is a sister company of DC that all DC titles are release through. They started production for the film and Fox filed a law suit in early 07 I guess I'd sue em to if The Dark Knight was the biggest superhero movie of all time and made as much as it did. So Fox was seeking to hault its March 06 release this year. But I St. John am here to report that all is well comic lovers, geeks, nerds everywhere. Apparently 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros. have reached common ground with the title. Fox is reportedly getting millions up front and a certain percent of the box office earnings. Honestly Im very very happy that this movie is going to be released. See yall March 6th...

The pictue above is a picture done by Miami Kaos, hot right?!

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